I found this interesting interview from a couple of years back. Here are the highlights:
John David Washington and Jared Leto discussed their paths to acting, with Leto initially pursuing visual arts and music, while Washington was drawn to painting before transitioning to football.
They shared insights into their approach to choosing roles, with Leto emphasizing the importance of feeling creatively engaged and Washington valuing the opportunity to work with esteemed directors like Christopher Nolan and Spike Lee.
Washington praised the collaborative atmosphere on Nolan's set, highlighting the freedom given to actors, while Leto commended the artistic choices in "Malcolm & Marie," particularly its black-and-white cinematography.
Leto described his immersive approach to portraying his character in "The Little Things," while Washington discussed finding emotional connection and authenticity in his role.
They both expressed anxiety about watching themselves on screen and discussed strategies for managing stress and detachment from outcomes in the film industry.
Check the interview:https://variety.com/2021/film/features/jared-leto-john-david-washington-little-things-malcolm-marie-1234891635/
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